Monday, October 31, 2016

2nd Grade Habitat Videos

2nd Graders in Mrs. Spain, Mrs. Lage, and Ms. Cioccio's classes have been studying about different types of habitats and what plants and animals live in each habitat. As a demonstration of their knowledge, the students worked at home to create their own model of one type of habitat or ecosystem that includes plants and animals that live in that habitat. Each student wrote a short script they read aloud about what habitat they created and the living things within that habitat.  We used the iPads and the app Green Screen by DoInk to put each student "into" their own habitat as they described it.  Each student's video was added to their class movie using iMovie. Each classes video is below.

Ms. Cioccio's Class Habitat Video

Mrs. Lage's Class Habitat Video

Mrs. Spain's Class Habitat Video

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