I'm a beginning educator Blogger, moving from a Middle School Technology Teacher to a K-12 Technology Integrationist this year, sharing out what amazing things our K-12 students can do!
I learn something new everyday from my students, and I hope they all learn at least one new thing each day from me or from each other too!
During 2nd quarter, 1st graders have been learning about plants and their needs. As a part of this, the students all planted their own Lime Bean seeds. They made observations about their growing plants throughout the last few weeks all while having one plant being recorded on the iPad using the free version of the app LapseIt.
Next, students summarized what they learned about the needs of plants and we recorded them reading sections aloud about what they learned in front of a green screen.
The final product was put together using iMovie and then shared with the students and their families.
The High School Anatomy class has been learning about the heart recently and in preparation for their exam, they used the iPad app Anatomy 4D by Daqri, which is an Augmented Reality app which generates at 4D rendition of the human heart. Within this app, you can also select and de-select different parts of the heart to show, turn the blood flow off and on, and listen to the cardiac cycle while watching the heart as it pumps.
This 1 minute YouTube video gives you an idea of how the students were using the app.
Following some time to explore within the app, students were given the task of taking screen shots of the heart from multiple angles in order to show all parts of the heart. Then, students used the app Skitch to label the different parts of the heart. The students used their screenshots of the labeled heart in a Google Slides Presentation. They uploaded their screenshots into Google Slides and also described the location of the various parts and their function.
Here are examples of their completed Google Slides:
The Anatomy 4D app also has a human body element where students can examine the different systems within the body such as Circulatory, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, etc. We are looking forward to exploring that when they get to it in class!